Feb 5, 2024

Integrate 3D models & textures into Roblox

I will explain how to integrate FBX and textures easily, highlighting key considerations to avoid wasting time during the process


In this guide, I will explain how to integrate FBX and textures easily, highlighting key considerations to avoid wasting time during the process.

The mission

When creating scenes in Roblox, various challenges may arise. This guide addresses specific problems I have encountered and seems essential for a seamless scene assembly.


  • Roblox Studio
  • Your prefered 3D software such as Maya or Blender
  • Photoshop or any image editing software

Prepare your interface

First, prepare your interface with the necessary tools for this task. I recommend this setup because when creating a new world and uploading numerous assets, it is the most efficient way to proceed.

  • On the left side, ensure you have the Asset Manager. If it’s not visible, you can find it in the View menu and select the icon depicted below in the image.
  • On the right side, have the Explorer.

Asset Manager

Import FBX

To import the FBX files, navigate to the Asset Manager, click on the arrow and select it. Before import the files, be aware that the models need to be separated by materials. This is necessary because Roblox can’t differentiate between the different materials the models may have.

Import button

When you click in the arrow, you can upload some FBX files simultaneously, and a window will appear, Mesh Import Options. I recommend removing this option because otherwise, Roblox may change the orientation of the model and place it elsewhere in the scene. Afterward, click on Apply.

Mesh import options

All the content you have uploaded should have a green checkmark. If you don't see it like this and it’s marked with a red check, this could be for several reasons:

  • The model name contains words forbidden in Roblox.
  • Each model contains more than 10.000 triangles.
  • The model is too large in size.
  • It may be a bug, and if the last options are okey, you can probably upload it again, and it will work fine.

Once all the models are loaded, select them in the left panel, right-click, and choose Insert with location. To keep the models cleaner and more organized after insertion into the scene, you can group them in two ways: as a model or as a group. Choose the option that suits you best.

Group options

Also, in the last image, you can see some options to edit the 3D model:

  • Select, move, rotate and transform.
  • Rotate in 45º:  allows you modifying the model angle.
  • Move: similar to rotation, for moving the model.
  • Snap in other models: helps align the model with other existing models.

In the Explorer, under Properties, some options are crucial:

  • BrickColor: change the color of the model, suitable for simple models without materials.
  • Color: modify the BrickColor using a palette and save it for future use.
  • Material: materials created by Roblox with physics. You can duplicate and modify material characteristics.
  • MeshID: each model generates an ID. If you import the same model with a variation, you can copy the ID and paste it into the old model to keep it in the same position.
  • TextureID: relevant only if you have an albedo texture; otherwise, it’s recommended to create a material.
  • Locked: useful if you don’t want the model to move during scene editing. It can only be selected in the Explorer, emphasizing the importance of a good hierarchy.
  • Transform: if you position the model at 0,0,0 in your editor, it may not be visible in Roblox. The same applies to orientation.
  • Collisions: will be explained below.
  • Anchored: crucial to prevent models from falling into space.

Explorer properties
Main options


In this case, we separate the colliders to avoid some problems.

By default, collisions are enabled. If you want models that don’t need collisions, go to the Explorer > Properties > Collision, and uncheck Cancollide, CanQuery and CanTouch.

If you need to enable the collisions, check Cancollide, CanQuery and in CollisionFidelity instead of the default, select PreciseConvexDecomposition.

Collision options

If you want to check if the colliders are okay, press ALT+S, and in Studio, go down and enable Show Decomposition Geometry. As you can see, the colliders are displayed as boxes, providing clarity on their configuration. This is helpful for understanding the arrangement of colliders.

Colliders settings


Firstly, textures should be in PNG format and up to 1024px. The import process is the same as FBX files. You can import Albedo, Metallic, Roughness and Normal map textures.

To create a material, go to the model in the Explorer, select the ➕ icon on the right side, and type SurfaceAppearance.

Remember to change the name to easily recognize the material in the future. This process is applicable when you create a texture in Substance Painter, Photoshop, or similar programs.

Materials creation

If you create a material based on Roblox materials, select Material Manager at the top, and a new menu will open. You can use any of these materials, but to create another one, you need to duplicate it, but this is only applicable to some materials. Once duplicated, you can edit it as needed.

Materials creation example 01
Materials creation example 02


Creating a scene and importing FBXs and textures in Roblox is straightforward with a concise guide. Learning a few essential steps is all you need. Roblox provides you with the opportunity to craft a visually appealing scene without worrying about the number of triangles in the models.

Isabel Peirona
Environment Artist

Passionate about video games and art

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