Jan 2, 2024

Unity SDK7 Toolkit - Report 3

Here at Polygonal Mind, we advanced efficiently with the tool plans, enhancing and expanding its utility.


Kourtin here. I hope everyone had a good December. Here at Polygonal Mind, we advanced efficiently with the tool plans, enhancing and expanding its utility.

During this month, we have seen the tool boosted by our own internal feedback, as more projects in Decentraland require the use of SDK7. Hence, the tool is adapted to true development needs.

The plan

Let’s start with what we outlined as achievable for the 1st of January.

Unity is now fully operational for creating a scene, inputting base metadata, and quickly exporting game.ts data for iteration over the results.


During this period, we succeeded in improving the Unity Toolkit’s ability to interpret gameObjects as SDK7 entities. We are excited about combining different ideas to facilitate the handling of objects in the scene.

The tool, in its current state, is ready for use in production pipelines. We are now entering a phase where UX enhancements and minor improvements will be added to speed up the creation process.

List of features achieved during this milestone

  • Parcel manager upgrade: now you can input a marketplace link to quickly configure the land you want to work on.
  • Decentraland skybox & illumination: presets allow you to preview how the scene would look with the Decentraland lighting.
  • Show bounding boxes option: preview how the engine calculates the object volume.
  • AutoFind Decentraland projects: quickly fetch and select a Decentraland project for export.
  • 3D text export: configure and set 3D texts inside Unity.
  • Decentraland components:
  1. Animator: configure animations and entity behaviors.
  2. Audio source: configure audio sources directly in Unity and export them to the Decentraland project.
  3. Billboard: set an entity as a billboard so it always faces the user on the selected axis.
  4. InputEvent (control animation, audios, teleports, etc.): create small but powerful interactions that open doors, trigger animations, sounds and other actions.
  5. StreamImage: stream external image sources on a Decentraland plane (or local files from a project).
  6. StreamVideo: stream external video sources on a Decentraland plane (or local files from a project).
  7. Trigger areas: configure trigger areas to perform actions in the code.
  8. Modifier areas: modify the behavior of the player, like changing camera settings, hiding the user or hiding the avatar passport.
  9. Force GLTF: force any entity in Unity to be a GLTF.
  10. Late load GLTF: make the engine wait to load the GLTF in the scene so you can prioritize assets over others.
  11. .glb placeholder: use gameObjects as dummies for already placed .glbs in the Decentraland project resources.
  12. Overwrite mesh (export prefab as normal mesh): perform an override of the settings on an entity, similar behavior to prefab variants in Unity.

Check the released project

We invite the community to review and provide feedback on this powerful tool. While we are actively shaping it with our current developments, we value your input! Contribute on Github 👈🏽.

Next steps

Milestone 4 will prioritize UX and tool stability. Our goal is to ensure that anyone familiar with the Unity Editor can easily create high-quality content in Decentraland with minimal effort.

Additionally, we are excited about creating comprehensive documentation and video tutorials. These resources will guide users through building content seamlessly, offering clear examples such as “Take your Unity scene into Decentraland” or “From Spatial to Decentraland”.

Have a nice one and happy holidays everyone 🍻.

Head of OPS

I purr when you're not looking. I'm passionate about environments and all the techie stuff to make them look rad. Learning and improving everyday to be a better hooman.

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