Case Study
Mar 28, 2023

EDP Energia's virtual sustainability adventure


The EDP introduction came about when EDP Energia aimed to create a space where visitors could learned about Hydrogen power while simultaneously promoting it.

This experience acted as a bridge to a physical event that took place in Spain on the 21st of August.

EDP Energia is a renewable energy provider operating in the Iberian Peninsula (EDP also has a broader global presence) currently focused on transforming the energy sector and concentrating on sustainability.


Our main goal was to demonstrate how the Hydrogen works as a new source of energy and how can be used in different ways. To achieve this, a portion of the experience was informative, featuring panels that explained the key points. Additionally, the experience included an interactive game that allowed the player to “collect” hydrogen while learning about the process of converting it into H2.

We also aimed to create a welcoming atmosphere for the user. We carefully crafted a space where nature and science converge, offering a unique and inviting environment.


EDP's final result in Decentraland

For the art development, we had a very clear vision to meet the client’s requirements; the environment had to exude a fresh and natural vibe.

We aimed to incorporate references to natural elements throughout the entire space. Simultaneously, we wanted to present a futuristic aesthetic that provides a positive and timeless experience.

This challenging project provided us with the opportunity to experiment with different aspects ofthe process allowing us to enhance our pipeline.

First steps

EDP's initial concepts

We presented the client with some original design that served as a guide for determining the main concepts and ideas we discussed earlier. The central design focused on a hydrogen plant, illustrating the process of creating H2.

Thanks to the concepts we established, we decided that the design didn't have to adhere to traditional norms or be based on an actual plant. Building pm this, we developed new 3D concepts that provided a clearer visualization of the space. These concepts served as a foundation for our final design.

EDP's first blockouts inside Decentraland


Given the limited ground space, an unique aspect we incorporated was mazimizing height and constructing the experience at different elevations. This not only made efficient use of the available space but also provided an opportunity to showcase the logo prominently on top of the building, enhancing visibility from every angle.

In terms of the design, we aimed for an uplifting and visually appealing atmosphere. We used a significant number of round shapes to convey a sense of softness and evoke organic elements. For instance, we shaped the solar panels resemble trees, adding a creative and natural touch to the overall aesthetic.

EDP's height blockout 01
EDP's height blockout 02


Once the modeling phase was completed, we opted for a texturing method using an atlas. This approach enabled us to experiment with different tile patterns, adding intricate details to different areas such as the plants, floors and interiors. The use of an atlas texture not only facilitated efficency in the application but also contributed to enhancing the overall visual richness and detailing of the environment.

EDP's atlas map first iteration
EDP's atlas map final result

EDP's trim map first iteration
EDP's trim map final result

We adhered a color palette inspired by the shades present in the EDP logo. Greens, blues and whites formed the foundation for the main aesthetic, while violet was strategically employed for the emissive and crucial points. Here are some examples directly from Decentraland:

EDP's color palette extracted from its logo

Main entrance

Main entrance to the whole EDP's experience

First floor entrance

EDP's entrance of the first floor with the social media links from the client

First floor interior

EDP's exposition part inside the first floor

Cool decorative elements

Guiding elements

The entire environment was meticulously planned to guide the user seamslessly through the experience. As users progress in their quest, the layout and elements are designed to impart a clear understanding of how hydrogen is processed to generate a new form of energy. This intentional design ensures that the user’s journey aligns with an informative and engaging narrative about the hydrogen conversion process.

First panel
Final panel before speaking with the NPC

Video panel

Windmill NPC that guides you through the experience

For the NPC (non-player character) our goal was to craft a representation that embodied the essence of the company and the overall environment. To achieve this, we conceptualized a small windmill robot. Size was a crucial consideration, as it needed to be compact enough to accompany the user throughout the scene.

The choice of a windmill robot not only aligned with the theme but also added an unique and fitting element to the interactive experience.

Genin the NPC inside the environment

Ecological cars with H2 motors

At the base of the station, there are two cars equipped with hydrogen motors. A cool aspect is that these cars remain inactive until the user completes the game experience. Once the game is successfully finished, the cars are activated, showcasing a dynamic and interactive element that rewards users for engaging with the entire experience.

Turned of EDP's vehicles


Help with hydrogen generation

The core mini-game of the experience involves navigating through the different steps of the green hydrogen generation process, providing users with an interactive and educational journey. This hands-on approach allows users to learn about the process in a dynamic and engaging way, enhancing their understanding through direct interaction with the content.

Genin introducing the quest to users

From the beginning, Genin (the NPC) will accompany and guide us throughout the entire quest, serving as a helpful guide and providing clues on where to go next. Following Genin’s instructions, the user must collect the different sources of renewable elements, including water, wind energy and solar energy. Along the way, users learn interesting information about each of these elements and their roles in the process of green hydrogen generation.

EDP's quest insight

After collecting the three elements, the user must tthen introduce them into the hydrogen generator to sucessfully complete the game. This final step adds a sense of accomplishment and closure to the interactive experience, reinforcing the educational aspect of the game.

EDP's end of the quest

EDP's virtual hydrogen kilograms account board

Following the completion of the hydrogen generation process, users have the option to contribute the “virtually” generated hydrogen to a shared pool with other players. With each successful completion, users can add 100 kilograms of green hydrogen to this virtual pool.

This interactive element fosters a sense of collective achievement while encouraging ongoing participation and contribution within the virtual community.


The EDP Energia's project is an example of how any type of company can approach more than one type of audience through creativity. From the initial concept to the art development and design choices, the project seamlessly blends education and engagement. The user-centric approach, interactive elements, and collaborative features contribute to a holistic and meaningful experience.

In essence, it's a successful fusion of technology, education, and innovation.

Sara Correas

I code, therefore I am

PJ Martínez
Lead Environmental Artist
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