Case Study
Apr 21, 2023

Bringing brands closer to the metaverse… it’s Polygonal Mind’s turn!

A meeting point for our community in the metaverse

Since 2019 we have been taking brands one step further, bringing them closer to metaverse platforms where they can connect with their Web3 audiences.

From Doritos to MTN Dew, to Forbes, we have worked with many brands to develop surprising and creative inmersive adventures with the aim of offering different experiences to their community.

Now it's Polygonal Mind's turn. We are going to tell you how we have moved our corporate visual identity to an interoperable building in the metaverse.

The overview

Polygonal Mind is a creative studio that has been developing experiences in the metaverse since 2019. Many brands have trusted us to create their presence in the metaverse, whether in the form of buildings, mini-games, or immersive experiences in general.

Certainly, both our team and community have experienced exponential growth in recent times. Moreover, we have updated our brand and relaunched our website, ultimately achieving an aesthetic that aligns with our current growth stage.

All these changes deserved a tribute, and what a better way to celebrate than by doing what we do best? Building a metaverse headquarters that serves as a meeting point for our community, reflecting our unique atmosphere of creativity and innovation while paying tribute to the hard work and dedication of our team.

This is how we decided to get started working on Polygonal Mind Spaces, the project that would involve the renovation of our interoperable HQs present on various metaverse platforms.

The main challenges

Throughout the project's development, including the conceptualization, design, and development phases, we encountered a range of challenges that needed to be overcome:

  • Perform a retrospective on who we are and the things that best represent us
  • Adapt the project to the possibilities of each metaverse platform
  • Create a building that pays tribute to our projects and our team
  • Create an opening event that puts the finishing touch to the experience

How we did it

The first task was to extract those things that make us who we are and what people know us for. In that sense, our new branding helped to translate our identity into our new building in the metaverse.

The inspiration for the environment is based on a Cyberpunk and Matrix style, with a modern aesthetic that fits us perfectly. We could define it as "organised chaos", where creative energy blends with futuristic elements, creating a unique and visually appealing environment.

Polygonal Mind Spaces First Draws
First Drafts

The pyramid and the eyes are elements that have accompanied us. They symbolise mystery and omnipresence, and in fact we have made them our visual standard. In that sense, our building is a pyramid in itself, and we can find many angular shapes that evoke this polygonal form. We also find multiple eyes, such as the ones at the lobby.

Throughout the scene we can also find a multitude of details that accompany the experience and identify us as a brand, such as the story behind the Polygonal Gods or the anthill. We will go into these details later on!

Polygonal Mind Spaces Building Concepts
Compilation of Building Concepts

Polygonal Mind Spaces is designed to be interoperable, meaning our HQs will be available in various metaverse platforms like Decentraland, Hyperfy and Spatial. Given that platforms have different features, we must adjust the design to suit each one's particularities.

One of the most important objectives of our HQs is that they should be a showcase for our long portfolio of projects. In that sense, the screens have played a very significant role: throughout the three floors there are different interactive screens that explain in a very visual way who we are and highlighted information about our most outstanding projects.

Polygonal Mind Spaces Projects Showcase
Screens with our Projects

We cannot forget that our team should have a special place in our building. That's why the second floor is dedicated to the people who make Polygonal Mind's growth possible. So people can meet the whole team and even watch us build the metaverse live and feed us as if we really were little ants!

Polygonal Mind Spaces Team
Our Team Screen

What about our community? Making this building a meeting point for it was one of the missions to be accomplished. In that sense, we created a series of NPCs to guide our guests through the experience; while Poru explained the different floors, the conspiratorial humans introduced users to the story behind #TheEyeCult, as it is rumoured that the Pyramidal Gods dwell here...

Polygonal Mind Spaces Interior Overview
Main Screen & Poru the NPC
Poru the NPC Animation

On the other hand, we created an arcade mini-game with a leaderboard that invited users to beat the high score and uncover a secret mystery. At the opening party, our main screen on the first floor played a speech by our CEO ToxSam and other members of our team and then hosted a music session by DJ Bufalo, to put the finishing touch to the experience.

Polygonal Mind Spaces Gran Opening Event
Polygonal Mind Spaces Grand Opening Event

I almost forgot, what would a Polygonal Mind Spaces opening party be without gifts for the attendees? Of course, we also took care of designing a conspiranoid wearable for our guests, and a branded tiara for the wiser ones.

Polygonal Mind Spaces NPC
#TheEyeCult & Conspiranoid Wearable Set


Coinciding with our growth phase and our rebranding, renewing our HQs in the metaverse to pay tribute to our team and the great community that supports us was a great decision.

We have a number of challenges to overcome, mainly concerning how to make a building that expresses who we are and at the same time showcases our projects and is an experience in itself for our community. As we have seen, doing things like extracting the aesthetic aspects of our new branding, creating interactive screens, as well as mini-games and NPCs to guide the users, are some of the decisions that make a metaverse experience a success.

The result is a living HQs that is ready to change and be updated over time, just as Polygonal Mind also changes as a company, facing new challenges and adapting to our environment. This building will grow with us and our community.

We remind you that you can visit Polygonal Mind Spaces in Decentraland in this link, and see first hand this great project, we are waiting for you!

Aitana Ebri
Marketing Specialist

Lover of beautiful things, communication with sensitivity and printed lighters

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